Sunday, May 27, 2012

Days like today

Today was so great. I wish we had more days like this. (summer is coming!) We went to church, had a picnic at the park, visited with friends, came home and enjoyed a laid back afternoon before we sat down to a delicious dinner and dessert. My kids went to bed with full tummies and happy hearts. I am so so so thankful for days like these. They make the rough and tumble days easier to get through when I can look ahead to brighter ones.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Today I'm thankful for three day weekends!! I had a productive but fun and relaxing day today. I'm looking forward to church tomorrow and whatever else this holiday weekend brings us. The weather is supposedly going to be great through next week so I am sure the kids will be outside all day, everyday. We went for a walk today and that was great. They sure enjoy our walks! Today we not only jumped over the cracks in the road, but we counted them too. :) It's always a mini adventure when we three set out together.
I realized something this week. I'm actually thankful to be single and to be enjoying the single life. I feel like there is more growing, changing, experiencing, and learning I am supposed to do before I start dating or meet someone. I like that idea. God has a plan for me and for my kids and I don't know what it is or His timing and I am totally ok with that! That being said, who knows- I may meet Mr. Right tomorrow and go from there. Only God knows what's in store for me. :)
Have I mentioned that I love my job? Who knew that two hours of my day would make me so happy and have such an impact in my life? I have really enjoyed these kids and am sad that some of them will be moving to middle school. And I'm thrilled that some of my parenting skills have rubbed off with kids at school and some of my school skills have rubbed off at home. It's great!! It also helps that I have great co-workers who are a blast to work with. We have a good time and I'm blessed by them each day.
As I was typing up some forms as part of some volunteer work I'm doing, I realized that if we hadn't moved here, went through a divorce and changed our lifestyle, I would not be volunteering at the Pregnancy Resource Center, I wouldn't be invoked in Awana, I probably wouldn't even be very active in the kids' schools. My life in TN was very self centered and I didn't step outside of my comfort zone often. But here I am a different person. I changed when I gave my heart and life back to God. Best decision ever. I feel so fulfilled in everything I do and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Tonight I am thankful for bedtime stories with my kids. Just about every evening they each pick out a book and we get all cuddled on the couch with me in the middle. Then we read books. Claire usually lays down and listens while Zane sits as close to me as he can and he plays with my hair as I read. It's a relaxing time for all three of us and I love that that is how the kids end their day. I think I have two little bookworms here. :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Spring colds

Today I realized I have a little bit of a spring cold. I'm thankful for this information because it means my allergies have died down significantly. The past few weeks have been so brutal, allergy wise. I basically wanted to scratch out my eyeballs all day. Ugh! I will take a mild cold any day.
Our weekend was fun and relaxing yet productive. I got a lot of cleaning done and the kids got to play outside all day, both days! I'm thankful that they are comfortable enough, now, to go outside and play by themselves. Last year they wouldn't go outside without one of us with them. It's been so nice to just let them go and play!
Last night I watched most of an Adele concert online "with" my BFF Randi. She lives in San Mateo, CA and we haven't seen each other since her wedding, last July. I miss her so much but most of our almost 13 year friendship has been spent long distance. Which sucks but it's the norm. I love her like my own sister and I'm SO thankful to have a friend who has seen me through good times, bad times, weird times and crazy times. We may be almost complete opposites but we couldn't be a better pair. :)

Friday, May 18, 2012


Tonight I am thankful for bedtime....for my kids. Not because it was a bad day or a long day. Not because I needed a break from them or they were misbehaving. Today was an awesome day and I enjoyed every minute of it with them. :)
I'm thankful that I have time in the evening to just spend alone. I have always enjoyed my alone time, even growing up. When I was married I enjoyed it less often but it was good because I had someone to spend time with. I am sure I will have that again, someday. But for now, I really love my evenings alone or, on rare occasions, in the company of my parents.
After the kids went to bed tonight I did some catch up in my read-the-Bible -in-a-year reading plan. I neglected it too long and am playing catch up now. But, the way I see it is, at least I started it up again. :)
I also watched a movie, which I don't do often. Most nights I would prefer to read than to watch tv or a movie. But I felt like some action tonight, so I put The Dark Knight in. I love that movie. Well, I love (almost) all the Batman movies. He is my fav. Especially played by Christian Bale. :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ice Cream

Today I took Zane out of school a little early and surprised him with an ice cream date! He and I haven't had any one on one time in awhile and it was so nice. We enjoyed chocolate dipped cones and fries at DQ. I taught him how good fries taste if you dip them in your soft serve. He loved it!
I'm so thankful for time spent with just my little man. I treasure our conversations and fun we have together. <3

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


We had a crazy few days of HOT temperatures. The kids got into their little pool, we had the sprinklers going, we had BBQ's, and we used our air conditioning. I'm so thankful we have the A/C, it's a nice reprieve from the heat and sun. I'm not complaining about the sun...I just want spring weather before jumping right into summer!
So, our hot days have ended and now we are enjoying temps in the mid 70's and it's lovely. I'm thankful for a nice steady breeze and having the windows and doors opened up tonight. There is something peaceful about relaxing with a breeze blowing and the sun setting.
I would like to share a picture- my Grandma turned 91 today. We took her flowers and a cake and had a mini party for her in her home with her fellow residents. 91. Wow!

Monday, May 14, 2012


It was 100 degrees at our house today. It's not even summer yet! The kids enjoyed playing in/by their little pool this afternoon. We even bought and enjoyed some Popsicles! So, today I am thankful for air conditioning!! :D
Oh, and I'm thankful for sunscreen and hats. Both of which I rocked at work today while out on the playground.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Today is Mother's Day and it has been a lovely day so far. Not only do I feel extremely blessed to be a mom to my kids but I am so blessed to have my mother be such a key part in my life. She and I have always been close and I treasure her friendship. I hope that one day my own children can look at me and see the same love, respect, support and care that my mom has always shown me. <3

Saturday, May 12, 2012


This past week was go-go-go for me. It was such a fun week though! I volunteered in Zane's class, got recognized at his school assembly for my volunteering, did Claire's field day at her school with her, went to lunch with my friend (without kids!), read a good book, shopped, and enjoyed some quality time with my kiddos outside and in. Whew!
I'm thankful that even though I'm busy a lot of the time, I have been able to spend time with the kids. No distractions, just time spent together or one on one. That has been on my heart for a couple weeks now and I prayed for ways to change what I do. I realized I was getting so caught up with email, texts, facebook and such, and it was taking away from time and full attention being spent with my kids. I don't want them to feel that there is something on my phone or computer that is more important to them. I want them to know and always remember how much I love them, how much I enjoy their company and how important they are to me. I'm happy that some of the changes I have made in the past week have produced positive outcomes and also really made up my mind about various things I was being indecisive about. I'm so thankful for perspective and the ability to put priorities back in their rightful places.
I mentioned that I had lunch with my friend, sans kids. That was actually today and it was so great! We went to a cute little place in town- a very grown up place- and ate very grown up food. The food was good but the conversation was the best. (I'm not gonna lie though...the tiramisu was pretty good.) I am continually thankful for God's guidance to grow into this community which, in turn, enabled me to meet people and make new friends. Jen, my friend I went to lunch with, is a blessing and I am thankful for her friendship. I value the connection we have through our faith, the fact that we are both moms trying to navigate life with stubborn girls (and one boy), and also our almost identical likes and dislikes in books, music and movies. God is so faithful to answer prayers. I prayed for a friend here who I could connect with and that is exactly what I got!
This last bit might sound odd but it's how I feel. I am completely and so entirely thankful that I got divorced and moved back to WA. I cannot list all the reasons right now but it is incredible to think of all the things I have in my life now that would have never existed had I stayed married in TN. I get subtle and not so subtle reminders from time to time of how great my life is when speaking with my ex-husband, or reminiscing about my life in TN and also looking forward and "day dreaming" about what God has in store for me and my kids. Life is truly better when you let Him lead you and trust His timing.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Tonight I'm thankful for my community. I love where we live and I love everything this town has to offer. I love how my kids and I are finally connecting with people and making friends, putting down roots, and being involved. It's given me such a feeling of accomplishment to be "networking" and creating friendships and working relationships. It's just wonderful to feel like we are part of something again, not just sitting on the outside, looking in.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My place

Today I'm thankful for finally feeling like my life is falling into place. I feel like I'm on the right track in every area and am continuously working towards various goals I have. It's such a good feeling to know that my prayers have been heard and answered. That I'm on this path because I took the time to really seek God and listen when He answers me.

"Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying." (Romans 12:12 NLT)

Monday, May 7, 2012


I'm just thankful for today. All of it. Work, kids, friends, parents and playing outside. Today was a truly wonderful day!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Another Day

I had one of those days you feel like a failure as a parent. The kids wouldn't listen, I did a lot of disciplining, and we could all have been in happier moods. I'm thankful that tomorrow is a new day and we can make it a better one.
I know my kids love me and they know I love them. Days like today are just hard.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow and our week ahead. I think I need to start spending one on one time with the kids again. Special times for just us. Those times are special to me and I know they each love having my full, undivided attention. Time to start planning some mom/son and mom/daughter dates. :)
Changing topics parents went away this weekend, to Lincoln City, OR. They are celebrating 35 users of marriage tomorrow. They enjoyed walking on the beach, shopping, good food and ocean views. I'm so happy they got to spend time with each other without all the everyday stuff in the way. They got home today and the kids were jumping up and down on the front porch as they pulled in the driveway. They clearly missed their Nana and Papa. My parents brought back all kinds of gifts for the kids and a cozy new hoodie for me. The hit of the trip was the pirate gear the kids got. :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Tonight I am thankful for the fun I get to have with my kids. We have had movie nights the past few evenings and it's been really fun. They have seen four new movies and loved them all. We even had a pizza picnic in the living room tonight while we watched The Lion King. It was great!

Friday, May 4, 2012


Today I'm thankful it's the weekend! My voice is still not right and I'm ready to relax and enjoy some down time. :)
Before the down time can begin I have to get my monthly shopping trip out of the way. I'm glad it's suppose to be great weather all weekend!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


The head cold I have been battling all week got the best of me today. I woke up without my voice. It made for an interesting day at home and at work. It's starting to come back some tonight though. Needless to say, I'm thankful for my voice. :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Colds suck. Me and both kiddos have a head cold. It's nothing serious just annoying! This week is a busy week for us but I'm thankful for the downtime and the rest I have been getting. I'm ready for some slower paced days...only about 5 weeks left of school now!
Tonight we had our end of the year Awana Award ceremony at church and it was a fun celebration. I'm so proud of all the kids we had this year. They all did such an awesome job memorizing books and verses and participating in games. I'm so proud of Zane, he finished his book and got several awards for attendance in Sunday School, uniform, etc. he worked so hard this year and it showed! And my little Claire, she got a certificate for participating. Next year she will understand better about memorizing scripture verses and such. I'm do thankful we live in a community that offers the Awana program. I loved it when I was younger and I love that my kids enjoy it and can't wait to go. It's such a good foundation for them and I'm excited to see what the coming years hold for us all. It was fun to help out this year, I really enjoyed working with the first graders and can't wait for another year with them!