I am not going to go into detail, but this last two weeks have been somewhat strange for me. But in a good way. I try my best to live a life that is Christ-centered and to let His love shine through me. I am not claiming I am a perfect person because I have plenty of mistakes and lose my way from time to time, like we all do. But I was told on two separate occasions that my faith is admirable or inspiring. I was kinda blown away by those statements. My dad told me back in February when I made the decision to get rooted in our community and started attending a local church that I was going to be a light to this community and I would be a witness. I didn't think much of it other than my dad being super encouraging, the way he always is. But when I talked with him about the past few weeks he simply said "It's good to know the impact you have on lives, from time to time. It can be an encouragement". So, with that in mind, I am thankful tonight for unknowingly acting as a witness to those around me. How awesome to know that I can have a positive impact on other's lives. I am just so humbled and blessed by that.
Because today is my mom's birthday I am going to add that I am super thankful she is my mom, that I get to see her all the time and that we have such a good relationship. I wish all moms and daughters could be this way. Today was not the most fun birthday she ever had, I'm sure. Claire is sick, so we are all trying to get through this whiny, crying, sick girl phase together and on top of that all, my mom started feeling yucky today too. But she managed to get through the day, grocery shopping and all, and was able to enjoy a nice dinner and some ice cream cake before going to bed. I hope it was a fluke with the sick feeling!
And on a final note of thanks....I am thankful this is the last week of school!! Last few days of work for me, til September and last few days of Zane being a Kindergartner! Wow, time flies. I can't believe he will be in first grade next year. My baby is not a baby anymore! Claire still has school, two mornings a week, until the end of July. Early Head Start is weird. But it will give her some time to do things with her little buddies in class and it will give Zane and I time to spend together that we don't get a lot of.
As I was about to post this, I switched over to Facebook to check something out and this popped on my newsfeed. Thank you Joyce Meyer for always having such great tidbits to think on and enjoy!
"God will make all the pieces of your life work together for His purpose, even when you don’t see tomorrow’s provision."
I haven't been keeping up with your blog very well (or writing mine for that matter EEK...). But wow, this is so cool. I am so happy that you are being sensitive to God's voice and following his direction for your life. Love it. and Happy Birthday to your Mama!